Tuesday, May 12, 2020

It is November...Already!

It is November...Already! November begins the holiday season! Ive begun to see Christmas decorations in stores. I even saw one house that had white Christmas trees with lights and a glowing Santa out front. (What happened to Thanksgiving?). Maybe one day some retail establishment or marketing guru will invent a Magic Pilgrim or Tom the Turkey who will come bearing gifts of some sort for this under-commercialized holiday. Until that day comes, let us create our own magic for Thanksgiving. A day when the early settlers gave thanks for survival. Whenyou look back over the past year, youve managed to survive. Some of you may even be grateful for the opportunities presented. In honor of Thanksgiving, I double-dog-dare you to make November amonthto recognize the things you are thankful for. Each day, acknowledge one thing.If you want, you can even write it down in a journal. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around you will have one or both of the following outcomes: A really good Thanksgiving prayer A new outlook I am thankful for the wonderful new friends Ive made this year! (Too many to name).

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