Friday, December 27, 2019

The Best Way to Ask for a Raise

The Best Way to Ask for a RaiseThe Best Way to Ask for a RaiseAre you thinking of asking for a raise? If so, you might be feeling pretty nervous. Talking about money at all is taboo in our culture. As a result, many of us feel uneasy about salary negotiation. Research shows that one of the most common reasons for not negotiating salary is feeling uncomfortable asking for more money. Prepare to Ask for a Raise To overcome those nerves, prepare. Learn when and how to ask for a raise so that your request will be heard by a receptive audience. Then, build a strategy that will help you achieve the best possible outcome. That doesnt mean youll always get a yes, or that your boss will be able to give you the exact amount you request. But properly preparing before you make your proposal can vastly increase your chances of success. Top 10 Dos and Donts for Asking for a Raise Heres a list of the top 10 dos and donts when it comes to asking for a raise. 1. Ask after a big accomplishment . Just scored a deal or landed a big sale? Its a good time to ask for a pay raise. Capitalize on the momentum of your success, and you may find yourself in an ideal position to ask for a salary increase. 2. Write, and rehearse, an agenda. Dont walk into your meeting without having prepared beforehand. Brainstorm a list of concrete reasons as to why you deserve a raise, write them down, and rehearse them to ensure a confident and convincing delivery. In addition to listing your accomplishments, you could mention a recent expansion in your responsibilities at work, additional tasks youve taken on, new strategies youve adopted, projects youve spearheaded, and any plans you have to further increase your departments success. You may also want to consider typing up and printing out a copy for your boss, so they can look it over and discuss with other supervisors if necessary. 3. Time your request accordingly. Familiarize yourself with your companys review policy. Do they carry out perform ance reviews every three months? Every six months? Every year? Discretely discuss with your co-workers, or consult with your menschlich resources department to get a sense of the timeline. If possible, you should also try to align your request with the companys financial trajectory. Try asking when new funding is coming in, when the new fiscal year is starting, or when you think your employer could easily factor in an increase in pay. 4. Dress the part. Even if your schreibstube dress code tends to be lax, when it comes time for your meeting, you should look the part. Take those few extra minutes to put on a tie, iron your blouse, or pull your dress shoes out of the closet. Although you dont want to look like youre trying too hard, looking polished and professional cant hurt, and will only help you feel more confident as you make your case. 5. Have other options on the back burner. No one wants to hear no for an answer, but a rejection can present an opportunity to make another prop osition. Do you want to inquire about working from home one day per week? Are you in need of a new mobile phone or laptop for your work purposes? Is there a conference or industry event youd like to attend? Your boss may be more likely to say yes to a smaller request after saying no to a big one. 6. Dont ask via email, if possible. Although its acceptable to schedule a meeting via email, you really should have the conversation about getting a raise in person. Its the best way to show that youre serious and will also allow you to gauge your bosss reaction to your request. Ask your boss when they might have a block of time free to discuss a question regarding your salary. You might even landsee if they are available for a lunch meeting, which might be a more comfortable setting in which to have the conversation. If an in-person conversation isnt feasible, heres how to request a raise via email, and a sample salary increase letter to review. 7. Dont ask at a high-stress time. Use commo n sense when you approach your supervisor about the possibility of a raise. If your boss is particularly stressed and overworked, its probably not the best time to bring up the topic. If you can, wait it out and ask during a lull, or at least when you see that your supervisor is in a good mood. 8. Dont give an ultimatum unless youre willing to lose the job. Be careful about how you broach the topic. You dont want to come across as too demanding. Of course, be confident and assertive in your request, but be aware of your tone and focus on being patient, professional, and understanding. Use caution with how you negotiate. Youll probably want to avoid framing it in a way that sounds like a demand- I need this raise, or else- as you should try to stay on good terms with your boss even if they say no. 9. Dont use information about colleagues salaries as a reason why you should get a raise. Avoid bringing office gossip into your discussion. Even if you know someone makes more money than y ou and you think that you deserve a salary thats equal- or higher- its advisable not to mention it. Its just not professional, and you never know if what youve heard, or overheard, is true. Instead, focus on your own individual experience and accomplishments and why you should get a raise on your own merits, not based on what other people are getting paid. 10. Dont supply too much personal information. Ideally, you should try to craft your proposal in a way that focuses on the reasons why you deserve an increase in salary, rather than why you might need one. There are some things that are better left unsaid when youre talking about a pay increase. Unless you have an exceptionally familiar relationship with your supervisor, its a good idea to avoid citing personal reasons like if your spouse lost his or her job, if youre sending another child to college, or if an investment went bad and instead keep the emphasis on what youve done to merit a raise. What to Expect After You Have Asked for a Raise Even though you really want to know right away, dont expect an immediate answer. Unless youre at a very small company, your manager may not even have the authority to give you a pay raise even if they want to. It will probably need to be discussed with human resources and/or other company managers. Dont feel badly if your request is turned down. There simply may not be money in the budget for pay increases, regardless of how well deserved your raise may be. Many companies have formal company policies that determine salaries and pay raises, so there may not be flexibility to give you a raise other than when you are eligible for one under company guidelines. The Bottom Line CHOOSE THE RIGHT TIME FOR YOUR REQUEST Try timing your negotiation with the companys financial calendar. When will your boss be most likely to find money in the budget for a raise?ASK AFTER A BIG WIN Have you recently exceeded a major goal or accomplished something big for the company? Nows a go od time to make your request.DONT GIVE AN ULTAMATUM If you threaten to leave, you better be prepared to follow through.AVOID GIVING TOO MUCH PERSONAL INFORMATION Your boss doesnt need to know why you want more money. They just need to know why you deserve more money.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Confidential Job Searching Tips

Confidential Job Searching TipsConfidential Job Searching TipsWhen you dont want your current employer to find out that you are job hunting, there are steps you can take to keep your job search confidential. The last thing you need to have happen when job searching is for your employer to accidentally find out that youre looking for a new job. It could jeopardize both your current position and future references from your employer. Worrying About Your Employer Finding Out If youre concerned about your current employer discovering youre job hunting, you arenot alone. An surveyreports that 52 percent of job seekerssaid their biggest concern was work colleagues finding out about their job search. That was significantly mora of a worry than concerns about not finding a job (29%). Two-thirds of job seekers are concerned (very to somewhat) about their job search process being made public. The survey also reports that 24 percent of respondents worldwide ranked their job search as the topic they are least likely to share online. Thats a smart move, because its not hard for your co-workers or employers to find out about your job search if youre deutsche post aging it on social media. If you take a few precautions, it will be easier to keep your job search private. Here are some suggestions on how to effectively job hunt on the sly, so that the wrong person doesnt find out that you are looking to make a move. Stealth Job Hunting Dos and Donts Email AddressDo not use your work email address for job hunting. Use your personal account or set up a free web-based email account specifically for job searching. Remember to check this account frequently, because some employers have a tight schedule for interviewing and hiring. Office EquipmentDont use your employers computers or phone system. Many employers monitor Internet usage and review phone call logs. Keep your resume, your email correspondence, and anything and everything related to your job search on you r home computer or online. If you have a smart phone or tablet-computer, you can use it to for most of your job search activities. Your ResumeBe careful where you post your resume. If you dont want your current employer to accidentallyfind your resume when searching for candidates, post on job sites where you can keep your employer and contact information confidential. For example, if you post your resume on Monster, you can make it confidential and your contact information and references wont be displayed. You can block your present companys name by entering an end date of present for your current position. Additional Resume OptionsOther options for protecting your privacy (aside from blocking) include listing a generic company name and job title, rather than a specific one. You can also leave off company contact information. Do the same with your contact information and phone numbers. List your job searching email address and cell phone number. Job ApplicationsOne way to help ensu re your resume doesnt get into the wrong hands is to apply direct on company websites. This way, your application will go directly to the employer, and wont be floating around the Internet. Telephone TipsDo not use your work phone number for job hunting. Instead, put your cell phone number and/or home phone number on your resume. Be sure to have voice mail set up, so you get the messages in a timely fashion. How and WhenIf you cant job hunt from work, what other options are there besides evenings and weekends? Visit a bookstore, cafe or library with Internet access on your lunch hour and bring your laptop or table if you can find a wireless connection to use. Use your tablet or phone to job search - there are lots of job search apps available. Lunch time also a good time to return prospective employer phone calls, especially if you can take an early or late lunch to catch them in the office. InterviewingTry to schedule interviews for either the beginning or the end of the day or on your lunch hour. If you have vacation time you can use, schedule multiple interviews for the same day. Dress the PartIf you typically wear jeans to work, dont wear a suit when you have an interview scheduled. Someone will start wondering what the occasion is for dressing up. Be DiscreetBe careful who you tell that youre looking for a new job. If you tell co-workers, you can be sure that it will get back to your boss, one way or the other. Do tell your family, so they can take messages for you and so they dont inadvertently spill the beans to your work colleagues and leave you a message that someone is calling about an interview. Social Networking SitesBe really careful what you post on social networking sites. Dont tell your Facebook friends or your LinkedIn connections that youre job searching. Dont tweet about your job search activities either. Even if your boss doesnt follow your updates, someone else may, and the word that youre job hunting could get back.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Choose the Right Major

How to Choose the Right MajorHow to Choose the Right MajorA major is the subject area one studies to earn a college degree. With the high cost of college tuition, it is imperative to choose your major wisely. Some students enter college knowing what occupation they want to pursue and choose a major based on that career objective. Others dont have a clear career path and study a subject that will give them the skills they need to pursue a variety of occupations or obtain the foundation they need to get a graduate degree. Choosing a Major Based on Your Career Objective An occupation may require a degree in a specific major. For example, to become an accountant, you would have to major in accounting or to become a physical therapist, your major would be physical therapy. These areas of study teach skills that are essential to performing these jobs. For other occupations, students have more leeway in what they can study, but there are limitations. To be an actuary, for instance, one can major in mathematics, actuarial science, business, or statistics. Aspiring conservationists also have a variety of choices, including biology, agronomy, agricultural science, or rangeland management. When a Major Isnt Specified A college degree is required or preferred for some careers, but what you study is entirely up to you. Students who know they dont have to choose a specific major can choose one based on their interests. They can also select a major that will give them the necessary skills to succeed in a variety of occupations. Students who enter college without a solid career plan should select a major that prepares them for a variety of occupations or graduate school. By taking general education courses during the first years of college, students can easily change majors if they choose a major that requires a specific area of study. The main points to consider when choosing a career includeIf youve chosen a career, know what the educational requirements are, and sel ect a major accordingly.If you havent chosen a career, select a major that is flexible and can give you valuable soft skills.It is essential to be both interested in the subject matter and have the ability to succeed in that area of study. Considerations for Selecting a Major When selecting a major, it is important to consider certain aspects of a field of study, such as your interests, your ability to do well and the job outlook, to determine if it is the right career path for you. Career Interests If you are considering a particular major because it is a requirement for your career path, it is hopefully something that interests you. If it doesnt, it might be prudent to either reconsider your occupation or find out if there are alternative areas of study that interest you more. It will be nearly impossible to do well in school while studying something that bores you. Chances of Success at Obtaining the Degree The area of study you are considering may seem extremely interesting, but consider if earning this degree is feasible. Also, you will need to be able to get good grades. There will also be required courses outside of your major. For instance, to earn a business degree with a major in marketing, you will also have to take accounting, economics, and statistics classes. Dont major In a subject that Is beyond your abilities. Most people cant succeed in every area. For example, if you arent good in math, its a bad idea to major in that area or anything that involves numbers such as statistics. Chances of Finding Employment You have determined that not only do you have a great interest in a particular major but also an aptitude- or natural talent- for it. It seems like the right choice for you but will it lead to your chosen career? Even with occupations that dont specify a major, try to choose something that will increase your chances of finding employment after graduation. Do some research to learn what degrees are held by people in your area of interest . Majors That Offer More Than One Career Opportunity Some individuals choose majors solely based on an interest in the course material. It is especially common with liberal arts subjects. Theres nothing wrong with that, and it is in keeping with the spirit of what education should be about. That doesnt mean, however, that you should hastily plek something and leave your future up to chance. Find out what graduates who studied in this area have gone on to do. Then make sure at least one of those options, if not more, are suitable careers for you. Employment Outlook It is essential to study interesting subject matter, but if it doesnt prepare you for a career that has a good future, it wont be well-spent money. Find out what the job outlook is for the career you are considering. Other Benefits of the Major In spite of having taken great care to choose an occupation, you may want to, in the future,change your career. Think about whether your major will lock you into this career or if i t will also prepare you for somealternative options. In addition to attaining hard skills, also known as technical skills, from your studies, also amass valuable soft skills that are transferable to other occupations. They will be useful regardless of your career. While it wont help you avoid going back to school to train for a new career, you will have a good start. Graduate School Consider whether you can get a good job solely with your undergraduate degree. Some majors have minimal opportunities for those who have only a bachelors degree and also require a graduate degree. If yours does, find out if a particular area of undergraduate study is required for admission to graduate school and choose your major based on that information. Useful Resources When researching careers, a reliable source is the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS provides extensive career information such as job outlook, median annual salary, required education and skills, and links to similar care ers. This information can greatly assist you in determining a career thats right for you based on your abilities, interests, and goals.Payscale is another resource that offers the latest career information, such as median annual and hourly salary, job description, and required skills.In addition, many colleges and universities offer career counseling services for students looking to make the best decision for their future.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Myers Briggs ENTJ Careers and Types

Myers Briggs ENTJ Careers and TypesMyers Briggs ENTJ Careers and TypesMaybe you went to a career counselor or another career development professional because you needed guidance in figuring out what you want to do with your life. She did a self-assessmentthatincluded administering the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)to determine your personality type. The results said youre an ENTJ. What does that mean? And how can it help you decide what career is right for you?Your Personality Type and Your CareerCareer development professionals believe that you can use your personality type to assist you with career-related options and decisions. This instrument is based on Carl Jungs personality theory that every individuals personality type is made up of four pairs of opposite preferences- the ways in which a person chooses to do certain things.The stronger preference of each pair becomes part of your personality type code. Lets take a look at those pairs in the ENTJ scenarioIntroversion I or extroversion E (how you energize)Sensing S or intuition N (how you perceive information)Thinking T or feeling F (how you make decisions)Judging J or perceiving P (how you live your life)Your code of ENTJ indicates that your strongest preferences are extroversion, intuition, thinking, and judging.Although you might prefer to do things a certain way, you can usually use the opposite preference if a situation calls for it. And each preference affects the other three in your type. Finally, your preferences are dynamic- they can change over time.E, N, T, and J What Each Letter of Your Personality Type Code MeansE The first letter of your type indicates that you prefer extroversion. Youre energized by other people and by things outside yourself. You would therefore be more successful working with others rather than alone.N While other people might only use their five senses to take in information, you also rely on a sixth sense that gives you the ability to look beyond what is physically in front of you and imagine the possibilities. Youre inclined to take advantage of new opportunities.T Your preference for thinking means that you make decisions by analyzing your options carefully. You arent guided by emotion, but rather by logic. You consider different options and their consequences.J The J in your type indicates that your preference for how you live your life is judging. This doesnt mean that youre judgmental. It means that you like structure and order. Youd rather be in dienstgrad and you often take on leadership roles.Using Your CodePay attention to what your personality type code tells you about yourself when youre making career-related decisions, such as choosing a career or evaluating whether to take a particular job. Pay attention to the two middle letters- N and T in this case- when you make a career choice. The first and last letters play a role as well, but the middle two are most relevant.Someone who prefers intuition might want to choose an occupation that allows her to embrace future opportunities. A career that involves thoughtful decision-making would also be suitable. Some options are economist, biochemist or biophysicist, attorney, orregional planner.Consider your preferences for extroversion and judging when youre evaluating a work environment. Working with other people is important to you, so make sure youll be doing that. Look for a job in which you have a lot of control over both the day-to-day activities and results to accommodate your preference for structure and order.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What Is the Objective in a Resume Fundamentals Explained

What Is the Objective in a Resume Fundamentals Explained A summary gutachten is a brief expert introduction that you could increase the peak of your resume. Include examples of ways in which you could add value or even enhance the provider. The information ought to be at the peak of your resume. Your resume will be split into sections. The applicant also indicates they can take care of the pressure of being responsible for a gigantic budget. A resume objective can explain why youre qualified for the job, even if its the case that you do not own a lot of related experience. Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write since you likely dont have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify how you know the kind of career youre searching for. Writing a winning college student career objective is a fairly effortless means to bolster your application for this internship or job youve got in sight. New Questions About What Is the Objective in a Resume Well -crafted resume objectives have the capacity to convince an employer a candidate is acquainted with a ort, the geschftliches miteinander and the requirement for success in that area. Resume objectives are from time to time thought to be the old schooltype of resume. Resume objectives can be a little controversial. New Ideas Into What Is the Objective in a Resume Never Before Revealed Be certain that your resume destroys that average with a good format. When you submit an application for work in person, you might be requested to complete a paper application. The goal is to show youre an ideal candidate for the position youre applying for. Describing existing interest or previous experience showing prior understanding of the kind of goods youre applying to sell is a good way to stand from the crowd. A well-written one is going to impress on the hiring manager the manners in which you are a best candidate for the job. Objectives for Secretary Resumes Secretaries in the work m arket these days are made to compete with a massive pool of different applicants, since there are as many different types of secretaries today because there are various offices and environments for them to work in. Also, in the event that you frequently change jobs, you might also think about a functional resume. You may also leave off any jobs that are entirely unrelated to the job which you desire. The aim on a resume tells a possible employer what your teen hopes to escape his job. Creating an IT resume objective gives you a means to demonstrate a hiring manager what you need to do and how youll benefit the business. Resume objective statements, if used, should illustrate what you could do for the prospective employer rather than that which youve done before for your prior firm. Your objective statement ought to be a representation of what the business stands for, and illustrate to the employer why youre the perfect candidate to be a symbol of their goods. When youre ask ing for work, your very first aim is to let employers know your abilities and talents align with the demands of their open position. Ensure the skills are related to the job which you desire. They should be modified slightly to make it applicable for the specific job description. When youre crafting your resume objective, you should concentrate on particular abilities and experiences which are directly associated with the job. Life After What Is the Objective in a Resume Its not quite as difficult as you may think. The applicant managed to mention important qualifications in just a few sentences. Resume is a sort of document employed by individuals that are seeking for employment. Functional and conventional resumes arent the only resume types to select from. The Argument About What Is the Objective in a Resume You want to not just catch the hiring managers eyeyou should make certain that they study your statement and say Whew Youre wondering in the event you should hav e a statement on top of your resume to grab the hiring managers interest. By highlighting a number of essential abilities and your existing purposes, you give the recruiter or hiring manager a taste of whats to come in the remainder of your resume. Everything about your resume is selling one product you and if you are trying to work in retail, you want to demonstrate that you understand just what it requires to sell yourself. The target of objective is to grow the probability of obtaining a positive response from the business, by casting a skilled and positive first impression. If youre trying for one specific field, nevertheless, your objective doesnt need to be much different. You should be as specific as youre able to be in your objective to raise your odds of being considered in the specific position youre applying for. While each one of the info may stay the exact same, you could substitute the kind of position that youre searching for based on the business youre applyin g with so your objective is a bit more personalized while still staying non job-specific. Getting the Best What Is the Objective in a Resume Make certain that your career objective matches the role youre applying for. Its optional to state the objective for a resume, it ought to be stated if one is quite clear in regards to the goals of that work position. The career objective doesnt state specifically which strong abilities and expansive knowledge the applicant would love to use. As a result, while your resume objective should consist of information on the career you want, you also wish to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. The Battle Over What Is the Objective in a Resume and How to Win It Our resume builder will provide you with tips and examples on the best way to compose your resume summary. If you opt to go with a paragraph narrative, then your creative writing skills will need to be strong. Your objective statement or qualifications summary ough t to be unique rather than simply a copy-and-paste job from something you found online or inside a book. Once you comprehend the simple format of a qualifications statement or objective summary, it shouldnt be hard to combine what you are seeking and what you need to offer effectively in one statement.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Storytelling to Empower Employees - Spark Hire

Storytelling to Empower Employees - Spark HireIn a fast-moving world, replete with phrases like employee engagement, corporate culture, and otherbei alliterations, how can any of it be condensed down to something actionable? What can you do with and for your employees to help them feel like they want to work for you instead of simply needing to?Within some of the recent buzz about building your brand or sharing your company glaubenszeugnis is a call to return to the basic human art of storytelling. Many business and marketing experts are claiming that the best way to grab customers and clients and keep them in your grasp is to tell a compelling and relatable narrative, whether it be about your product or the company itself.On the popular blog Fistful of Talent, Marisa Keegan brings this idea back home to the workplace, back to the first battleground, in her article Expose Yourself All the Cool Kids are Doing It. Corporate stories, she says, should be used to rally the troops to the message a company is trying to emit to the world. Before the customers can be won over, the employees should be won over with the same message This storytelling/bragging/legacy writing has given employees, customers, and their national audience a way to form an emotional connection to the history and future of the company. That connection creates loyalty, passion, and engagement.A companys story is more than how they began, but should include where the company is going, and how its leaders see the company getting there. When these ideas are shared with employees, its easier then to see their role in the grand scheme and it fosters a culture of understanding. Helping employees understand the mission is like giving them a small bit of the company to own heres how you fit into the puzzle, so this is the bit of the company you need to make shine. Now go forth Employees can bring this message to people outside the company, who may be potential new hires or potential customers.Every compa nys mission, brand, values, and culture are unique, and sharing it out to the rest of the companyisntalways a simple thing to do. For many, their story is not easily captured or its difficult to share fully. If your company is passionate about sharing their story, maybe its time to put someone on the job full time. Task someone with collecting the story and condensing it to something sharable then share it whenever there is opportunity. Good times to share the story are during on-boarding or employee training, at one on ones with current employees, or at company-wide meetings and events. Celebrate milestones at work such as commemorating when the company first reached a certain level of growth, when they added customer number X, or the week the company was founded. Every moment you take to share the story will stick with employees and hopefully begin to build a workplace full of employees who believe in, trust, and stick up for the story and mission of the company.Have you perfected the art of company storytelling to rally your troops? Let us know in the commentsIMAGE Courtesy of Flickr byvancouverfilmschool

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Want to read more books without losing comprehension Learn to resist regression

Want to read mora books without losing comprehension Learn to resist regressionWant to read more books without losing comprehension Learn to resist regressionReading is not a human ability hardwired into our brains.Its a skill that takes practice. But rapid reading is not a difficult skill to learn, says Peter Kump, author ofBreakthrough Rapid Reading.Reading can transform your health, wealth, and productivity.Comprehension has always been more important than just reading.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreWithout comprehension, reading is a wasted effort.You read because you want to learn something new, improve a specific skill or enjoy a great narrative or novel.Comprehension is the core of reading any material. Its also the reason many people spend a lot of time on a single book.The one habit that may be hindering your progress when you choose to read is regression. But you can eliminate your reading inefficiencies and increase your reading speed while improving retention.Regression (backtracking)One of the biggest obstacles to speed reading is regression.Its the habit of re-reading something you have already read in order to be sure you really understood the message you read.When regression is compulsive, the habit can be harder to break.When you regress like this, you lose the flow and structure of the text, and your overall understanding of the subject can decrease. Be very conscious of regression, and dont allow yourself to re-read material unless you absolutely have to,saysApril Troester, PhD.Lack of confidence in your reading skills can cause regression.If you dont trust yourself to have fully understood what youve just read, you will regress all the time.For many readers, this can happen over and over and over again.Instead of improving their reading habits, many people use this habit to refocus when they feel they are being distracted.In as much as you think regression is helping you, it actually slows you down more than you think.Regression probably wastes about a third of every hour you spend reading.Its like taking two steps forward with your eyes and one step back, and for many people, a lot more than one step back.Sometimes - but not very often - regression necessary, especially if you are reading about a technical subject and want to understand better.Or when the author is not engaging better and you have to figure out the message yourself.But more often than not, people regress because its a habit theyve developed over time.If you are aiming to read faster and get the most important ideas in any book you pick up, you have to quit the habit of going back to chapters youve already read.Instead of revisiting pages, what you could do is to focus better, remove distractions and aim to read a particular number of pages every time you start reading again.Improve your concentration habit, and you wont have to regress so many times before you actually schliff that book.When your brain develops the habit of re-reading at any time, it relaxes and does not concentrate properly because it knows it will go back at some point.It stops you from immersing yourself deeply in any book.When that happens, you wont fully grasp all the ideas in the book.How to quit regressingThe simplest approach to stop re-reading over and over again is to choose books or topics you deeply care about.Reading a book should be an experience that provides you joy and value, not something to labor through,saysPatrick Allen of Lifehacker.If reading takes more effort and its a struggle, youre going to want to do less of it.Before you even start reading any book, ask yourself if you are curious enough about the topic to give it your full attention or concentration.Passive readers hardly finish any book because they are not curious enough.They read because they have time to spend instead of investing in a topic.Get curious before you even s tart reading.What do you look for in any book you choose? Let that be your guide and you will focus better when you read.Schedule you reading and stick to your allocated time.Get curious before you even start reading.What do you look for in any book you choose? Let that be your guide and you will focus better when you read.Schedule you reading and stick to your allocated time.Example, you can set aside half an hour of your time to read your favorite book without distraction.Start by eliminating all the distractions that may prevent you from reading (social media, email notifications, news notifications, background music, etc.).You could disable all notifications on your phone.You will be more focused when its only you and book you are reading.Aim to concentrate the whole half an hour.Dont hurry the process.Just enjoy the book and the ideas the author is conveying during that time.To retain the information better, you can take notes after every reading sprint.Use the 50/50 principlet o retain better and remember the core ideas of any book. You wont have to regress if you are not distracted.To reduce the number of times you backtrack, Troesterrecommendsyou run a pointer (a finger, a pen, or the cursor) along the line as you read.Your eyes will follow the tip of your pointer, helping you avoid skipping back. The speed at which you read using this method will largely depend on the speed at which you move the pointer, she says.Its important to note that you dont have to finish every book to fully embrace better reading habits.I tend to have at least 5 books in my active pile of books Im currently reading, but I try not to regress to make real progress as I focus on comprehending the ideas in each book.Closing thoughtsRegression seriously slows your reading speed.The good news is, you can easily replace it with a better habit, but it takes concentration and practice.Start slow and aim to make progress instead of trying to change the habit as soon as possible, especia lly if your brain is already used to re-reading all the time.Quitting regression can increase your reading speed and help you read more books every months or year.As you invest more time reading, it will get easier and you know what habits are helping you read more books.This article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, November 23, 2019

4 Common Resume Red Flags and How to Fix Them

4 Common Resume Red Flags and How to Fix Them 4 Common Resume Red Flags and How to Fix Them If your job search hasnt been going too well, it may be because your resume contains some of ansicht red flags. This is why its vital that you look over your resume thoroughly to identify and address any possible red flags. Doing so could turn your arduous job search into an absolute breeze or at least make things easier on you.Here are fourclassic red flags to look for on your resume, along with some tips on how to address them1. Being UnemployedThere is considerable bias against unemployed applicants, according to research from The Pew Charitable Trusts.This bias grows worse the longer one is unemployed Those who have been unemployed for six months or longer haveto send out, on average, 3.5 times as many resumes as the short-term unemployed before they receivean interview invite.Employers dont really have any just cause for this bias, but the fact remains that being unemployed is seen as a red flag for many companies.What canyou do about it?First, never apologize forbeing unemployed. Unemployment is simply a fact of life especially in todays economy. Dont feed the interviewers bias by painting your unemployment in a negative light. Just focus on the positives. Where possible, show that you have successfully gotten interviews and received good feedback. This will put many employers at ease, as it will show them that other organizations thing well enough of you to give you a shot. Third-party validation will enhance your credibility in the eyes of most any interviewer.Second, be sure tooutline any new skills you have learned while unemployed especially skills that areimmediatelyrelevant to the job at hand. Doing so will show employers that, contrary to their biases, being unemployed has actually helped youimprove.2. Unexplained Gaps in ResumesUnexplained gaps in a resume make employers feel like youre hiding something.Combat this by actually explaining the gaps. Don t justpresent the gaps on your resume outline exactly what you were doing while you were out of work.Were you studying, volunteering, taking a sabbatical, looking for work, looking after a sick loved one, or raising children? These pursuits canall addgreater value to a resume than an unexplained gap. For example, if you were raising children, you probably picked up a variety of transferable management and coordination skills. Emphasize these on your resume3. Multiple Short Tenures (A.K.A., a History of Job Hopping)Employers are slowly beginning to understand thatjob hopping is the new normal. These days, the lifelong job has been largely replaced by shorter tenures, and employers simply have to accept this fact.Nevertheless,some employers are stuck in their old ways, and they continue to view short tenures with suspicion. To combat this suspicion, show employers that you are a responsiblejob hopper. Prove to employers that you have always honored and completed all contracts and pro jects before leaving a company. Show employers, too, that you always provide the proper notice you dont just up and leaveIts also worth showing employers that you have a history of performing well in each job, no matter how short your time there was. You can do this by listing your achievements in each role on your resume. You should also try to get as many LinkedIn recommendations as possible, which will demonstrate to employers that you left your previous roles on good terms.Employers should know that, for you, job hopping is a deliberate part of your career strategy, and that you deliver great value to every employer you work with, regardless of your length of time with each company.4.A Template ResumeIts fairly easy to spot a generic resume that has not been tailored to a specific job opening. If youre simply firing off template resumes to every opening you come across, employers will pick up on that fact and many of them will instantly dismiss you because of it.Make sure you write a tailored cover letter and resume for each and every application. Emphasizeyourskills and qualities that are most relevant to this standort and company.-There are plenty of reasons that a resume might be rejected and, often, resumes are rejected for very good reasons. Sometimes, you just arent the right person for the job.That being said, its never a bad idea to tighten up your resume by addressing these red flags. Doing so will greatly improve your chances of landing an interview and maybe even the role itself.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The amount of vacation time people dont take will sadden you

The amount of vacation time people dont take will sadden youThe amount of vacation time people dont take will sadden youNothing is mora fraught in the American workplace than vacations how much time you get (or dont), whether youre actually allowed to take it, whether you actually do take it even though youre allowed to, how totally stressful it is to prepare to go away and leave your work in the hands of co-workers, and whether or not youll choose to work during your holiday, then resent yourself and your employer after you do it.With that in mind, Celebrity Cruises conducted a survey of 1200 employees, 750 of who had paid time off. They got down to the underbelly of the world of American vacations and paid time off.Across industries, the median number of paid days off annually is 14. A decent percentage would like more days and would sacrifice money to get them 18% of employees would prefer five extra paid vacation days to a 10% raise.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magaz ines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBecause we feel guilty about taking the time off that is rightfully ours, 47% of employees surveyed left paid vacation days unused.Perhaps some of that 47% had vacation requests denied. Everybody knows the disappointment of being left out of a fun weekend in Bridgehampton because were understaffed, and 21% of employees had a vacation request denied in the last year.Rich use it, poor lose itEverybodys heard the phrase use it or lose it when it comes to your days but sometimes you cant afford to use it. According to the survey, those who earned more tended to take more of their time off and the opposite was true as well. The highest earners at incomes of $100,000 or more were the most likely (98%) to use their time off. The lowest earners with incomes of $24,999 or less were less likely (83%) to use their time off.Pre-vacay stressThe pre-vacation scramble is the worst, as you rush to get everything done. (Because if you dont do it correctly, who will?) A full62% of employees put in extra hours the week before a vacation usually between one and five. And 50% of women said they felt extra stressed the week before a vacation. Men were more relaxed, with only 36% feeling more stress.The stress boils down toThe amount of work Ill have when I return 65%Worry that my work will not be handled correctly while Im away 61%Trying to finish all my work before leaving 56%I dont want a co-worker handling my work 39%Worry my employer will think Im not dedicated to my job because Im taking time off 26%Geez, no wonder people dont take all their vacation time.Will you or wont you?Now youre at your final destination. The palm trees are swaying gently in the breeze. The phone rings. Who do you think it is?Dont answer 63% have been contacted by work while on vacation. And 72% said it could have waited until they got back.But what if what if something needs to be done? Oh, forget about it. Nearly half (46%) of those surveyed didnt work while on their vacation. When they did, it was usually between 10-30 minutes.For those who did work from the beach, they usually suffered the consequences. Working while vacationing caused fights between nearly 40% of couples. Other people who worked on vacation felt stressed (77%), missed plans (21%), stressed out their travel companions (23%), and one step further and annoyed their travel companions (36%).Just remember youre probably not being paid enough to work off the clock. Happy trails